Tuesday, August 6, 2013

The Very First Run

The first day I really decided to run was back in April. The weather was getting nicer, and I was toying with the idea of running the St. Jude Half Marathon. So, one day I thought I would try to run from one end of Mud Island to the other, just to see if I could do it (about 1.25 miles). Mud Island (which is a peninsula, not an island, but whatever) is a pretty nice place to work out –paved path, riverfront view, trees that provide a little shade. This makes exactly no difference when it is your very first run. You will be miserable. You will hate everything. And your internal monologue will probably go something like this:

T-2:00 to run time: Pulling into the parking lot. Shoes-check, music-check…wait…what am I going to do with my keys?!

T-1:30 to run time: ok so if I clip this thingy to my sports bra…alright keys are secured. Maybe. I hope.

T-0:30 to run time: Gotta find the exact perfect song to start off with! Now how does this run tracking app work.

0:00: LET’S DO THIS!!

0:15: I’m feeling great! This is such a nice change from sitting in class all day.

0:30: I wonder how long I’ve been running, surely its been a few minutes already. checks phone. What? It hasn’t even been a minute?!

2:00: Ok this is more difficult than anticipated. But that’s ok. I totally still got this.

4:00: I’m getting sweaty. I loathe being sweaty.

5:13: My foot hurts

5:16: My side hurts

5:18: My leg hurts

5:19: I have to pee

5:21: My arm hurts

5:23: My back hurts


6:00: Power song comes on. I LOVE THIS SONG!

10:00: @&#@@&#$*@#&$

12:00: Running app announces “you have run one mile” YAY I RAN A MILE!

12:30: I can see the end of the island!

12:34: But I might die of exhaustion before I reach it


14:03: so…close…just…keep…going……

15:11: Reaches end of island. OMG I did it!

15:12: Hallelujah I can stop now! Immediately sits down on grass

15:13: Wait…my car is back at the other end of the island…and now I have to walk all the way back…uugggghhhhh. Gets up and begins slowly trudging back down the island

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