Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Back to School (for the last time ever!)

Monday was my very last ever first day of school! This semester marks the beginning of my P3 year of pharmacy school and my last semester of classes. In January, I will begin the rotations portion of my pharmacy education, and take all the things I've learned and apply it to actual patients in an actual health care setting.

First day of class! The blurriness of the photo symbolizes
the mental fog that is present on the first day of having to wake
up early and pay attention to therapeutics

I am getting back into the swing of things with varying degrees of success. I wouldn't survive waking up at 6:00 A.M. without a full pot of coffee (look for a coffee-centric post coming soon!). It is nice to get back into a routine, even if that routine is extremely busy and there is no white space in my planner. I thrive on having an organized planner - it makes my life a lot easier to know what I've got to do each day. This spills over into my exercise routine, as my workouts get their own space and color in my planner. It's an excellent system unless something happens to change your schedule for the entire day (which happens a lot at this particular pharmacy school).

It will only get worse as the semester progresses

In other unrelated news, my rose plant is budding! I bought it for $5 at work a few months ago because I thought the blooms were pretty, fully expecting it to die because that's what plants do around me. I'm definitely a "brown thumb"- everything I've ever tried to grow has died. But this little rose bush is somehow still alive!! When/if it blooms, I should get a lifetime achievement award for keeping a plant alive for more than a week.

Behold! The first bud!

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